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Illuminating Autism: Building Resilience

5th Annual Benefit & Auction
Hosted Online

Saturday, January 30, 2021

6:30 pm - Pre-Show Reception 
7:00 pm - Live Program

Imagine being able to help children and parents navigate through the challenges of autism. Or realize that your efforts helped advance groundbreaking research to improve interventions and create new programs. Or know that your gift helped a child enjoy the simple pleasures of summer camp.


The UW Autism Center’s 5th annual benefit event, Illuminating Autism, provides the opportunity to achieve all of these dreams and more.


Come join our growing community of supporters to celebrate and enjoy presentations highlighting the Center’s impact while having fun and participating in live and silent auctions

Featuring Special Guest 
Temple Grandin


Dr. Temple Grandin is internationally known for her trailblazing work as a spokesperson for people with autism, like herself. Her life's work has been to understand her own autistic mind, and to share that knowledge with the world.